How Pelvic Floor PT can help reduce risk and severity of perineal tears during childbirth
One fear that I’ve heard voiced by many women, is that of perineal tears during childbirth. This article discusses what they are, how we can help prevent them, and of course, that pelvic floor physical therapy can help!

Birthing Positions: Pros and Cons
What is the best way to position my body, so that I can deliver my baby without suffering dysfunction to my pelvic floor? Read about it here!

What’s Wrong Down There?
What makes up your pelvic floor and why is it important? Also, how physical therapy (PT) can help!

Managing Stress Around the Holidays to Promote a Healthy Pelvic Floor
stress can cause unwanted effects on our pelvic floor. This blog goes over what can happen briefly, and how to help manage that.

Look at surviving breast cancer through the pelvic lens
understanding how to take care of your pelvic floor after beating breast cancer, pelvic floor physical therapy can help!

GUMBO Awareness; and Sexual Health is more than just Arousal.
September is the month of awareness! Awareness for PCOS, Sexual Health, Ovarian Cancer, Pain! Here's a little bit about all of them, but for Sexual Health really focusing in on how paying attention to your cycle is more than just fertility awareness.

to breastfeed or nah?
I have a lot thoughts on breastfeeding, the main one being it’s awesome! Read the blog for the rest!

Holistic Care as a Form of Resistance
I like to think that anytime a Black American Takes any action that returns them to their roots, that it is a form of resistance. What is the ultimate resistance, than to take care of their body, in a way that honors their ancestors. Happy Juneteenth!

Caring for you first
In celebrating Mother’s Day, lets also acknowledge the consistent efforts we as moms have to commit to, to ensure our health, so that we can be there to care for our little ones.

Springtime and Pain with S E X
Whether it’s pain with insertion, pain with deep penetration, or pain that you can’t explain… if it’s not pain you were planning on, pain during s e x is not fun, It needs to be discussed, so that you can have a better idea on how to approach it and heal from it.

Preparing your body for birth
Just like you prepare for all successes in life, you should prepare your body for bringing one of your biggest successes earthside.